Wednesday 29 August 2007

Rabid Heather!

A week and two days to go and I've got ants in my pants! I'm pacing about the house all the time, partly because of exam thoughts but largely due to excitement and impatience. It's not been an easy few days though; just in time for the really big serious life deciding exams I got my final rabies vaccination (it is a course of three jabs). I reacted very badly, not just the arm pain which was bad enough, but I was sick too. For days. So much so that I had to go to the hospital on Sunday to get anti-emetics. It's amazing how I forget everything I've ever known when I'm ill. Not only did I forget I needed to take electrolyes in an isotonic solution, I also forgot that I had some sitting in my rucksack in case of Delhi Belly. In fact I have an entire travelling pharmacy for such an event. But could I get my brain to string together a decent thought and get them out and drink them? Erm, no. I'm very grateful to friends who saw an internet moan I posted who phoned me and nagged me to not die, get sorted and pass my exams. The first two I have managed. The jury is still out on the third.

Loking forward to Monday when I am going to get my visa. Its all coming together now!

1 comment:

LimeBooks said...

Hi Heather,
Kim here from the UK side of Tree of Life for Animals.

Your adventure has probably started already so good luck and enjoy!

Keep up with the blog, it will be great to read it and see what i'm missing.

I shall also post a link to your blog from our website.

Ta ta
