Sunday, 5 February 2017

Nursing her wrath to keep it warm

“I’m sorry but this canna gan on, you’re no getting anywhere and the dog is suffering and I canna cope any more and I divven want to but I think we are gonna have to pit her doon and it’s a shame anna but we canna gan on like this and I canna keep payin’ these bills it’s not that I divven want to pay for the dog like but its not making nowt of a difference, is it.”

     A large, clearly frustrated and quite angry woman was crowding out the consult room, a tall long haired German Shepherd dog at her side, markedly underweight.
“Okay, lets back up a bit and take this a bit slower – you said I’m not getting anywhere – I’ve never met your dog, so let’s start at the start, what exactly is the problem?”

“What do you mean you’ve never met the dog like? My husband’s been bringing her doon fer weeks to try and sort oot the diarrhoea man, it’s running oot o’ her! Look at the state o’ her, aal scrawny, mekkin me look bad! All them jabs haven’t made a bit o’ difference.”

“I understand, that must be very frustrating for you and difficult to watch her like that, but the thing is, we’ve really never seen your dog here before. You registered her by phone a couple of months ago, but this is the first time she’s actually come in. Might she have been seen somewhere else?”

The woman stopped, stared at me, blinked twice then shouted


She wasn’t finished. “I told him to take her and gan to the vet. He’s been tekkin her away oot every week and asking for the money for the vets bills. But that useless bloody bastard husband of mine has gone to the bloody pub again! Spending my money on beer and those waster mates of his. Well I’ll bloody show him!”

“Okay, meantime, maybe we can see about helping your dog?”

     I examined the bewildered dog gave it a jab, a combination of a couple of drugs I thought might help. The owner left with some special sensitive food, a few tablets, a set of instructions and a murderous rage.
One week later they were back for a follow up.

“It’s amazin, hinny. She cleared right up and has been fine evva since. That’s a few months she’s had this, and it couldda been fixed, but that useless bastard drank the money for hissel. I nearly had the poor dog put down!”

I was just pleased we got a result, I wouldn’t like to have faced that lady’s wrath!

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