Friday, 10 August 2007


I have never really thought seriously about blogging, and have thoroughly mocked those who do - who's going to read it? Why don't you talk to the cat, or just find something better to do with your time - but I have been persuaded into starting one to keep in touch with friends over the course of my stay in India, and for life in general. I'm one of those people who means to do things. I do honestly mean to phone you/write/email/meet up I just never quite get there. So to salve my aching conscience I'll just stick it all here and then it's up to you to check, and I am sneakily absolved of any blame (good, eh?).

Credit for the title goes to my friend Anne who has been doing a counselling course, her new favourite question is "What are you going to do with your wild and precious life?". Hopefully this will be a space where I can show her.

Now I feel I should say something profound, so I'm going to go and sit down until the feeling passes.

(Don't you have anythig better to do with your time than read about me? I'm really not very exciting, it's just an illusion created because I flap my arms about a lot.)


Woody said...

Nice to see and good luck! (aka Wobbly)

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather

Can't wait to read your thoughts and feelings about your trip.

I love the wild and precious life quote. See, you've already got off to a flier.

All the best


Anonymous said...

Oh wow! we hope you keep this up.
You have made a great start!
Smooth sailing
Your nosy Pall's
Me'n Gus